One or more boxes ticked?
What kind of Waste Transformer are you?
Organic waste producer?
Are you a small scale food waste producer (from 300kg food waste per day) looking to derive value from your food waste?
Yes I am!
If you produce from 300kg food waste per day, and would like to know how to transform this into clean energy feeding back into your building? Contact us.
Reach outEntrepreneur?
Are you an entrepeneur wanting to run a new business?
Yes I am!
Tell us about your ideas, potential partners, budgeting and suitable location to run a Waste Transformer.
Contact usAgent or distributor?
Are you an experienced reseller or distributor wanting to sell our Waste Transformers in your own country?
Yes I am!
Get in touch and let us know about your ability to provide the sales muscle and operational support our clients require.
Get in touch!Investor?
Are you an investor wanting to put your money to work?
Yes I am!
We offer various options to ensure your investment has both impact and return. Contact us.
Contact usIt’s quiet likely you have ticked one or more boxes. Good news for you and our planet. Get in touch with us and tell us your story. In the meantime you can like our Facebook page and start following us on Twitter and Instagram to stay in the loop on our global activities.